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How to hide a drive in Miscrosoft Windows XP ?

1. From the Start Menu, Click Run..

2. In the 'Run..' dialog box, type 'diskpart'.

3. Click 'OK'. A Command Prompt window will open named Microsoft DiskPart version 1.x.xxxx

4. 'DISKPART>' will be displayed in the command window. Now type 'list volume'. It will list all the volumes

5. After DISKPART>, select the volume number of the drive whose letter you want to hide. Your program should look like this:-

DISKPART> select volume x

Where, 'x' is the number of the volume you want to hide.

6. Hit enter. A message displays:-

DISKPART> select volume x
Volume x is the selected volume

6. In the next Command Line, type 'remove letter y' if Y: is your drive-letter. Hit enter. You get a message saying that Letter y has been removed.

DISKPART> select volume x
Volume x is the selected volume
DISKPART> remove letter y  [Hit enter]
Letter y removed.

Open 'My Computer' and observe. Drive Y: will no longer be visible and you won't be able to access any data on it and nor will anyone else. It is a useful way of hiding secret data.
7. Now to view the drive type 'DISKPART> assign letter y
, 10:48 AM

1 Response to "How to hide a drive in Miscrosoft Windows XP ?"

Author Says :
March 6, 2010 at 1:36 PM

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